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Monday, April 27, 2020

orthogonal cutting of metal(production process)

(1) In orthogonal cutting of metal the cutting edge of the tool is perpendicular to the direction of the tool travel . i.e Q= 90° .
(2) In orthogonal cutting of metal the cutting forces occurs in two direction only.
(3)  In orthogonal cutting of metal the cutting tool life is low .
(4) In orthogonal cutting of metal the cutting surface roughness is poor .
(5)  In orthogonal cutting of metal the cutting the chips flows over the tool face and the direction of the chip flow velocity is normal to the cutting edge.
(6)  In orthogonal cutting system, the maximum chip thickness occurs at the middle.
(7) In orthogonal cutting of metal chips curls in spiral fashion.
(8)  In orthogonal cutting of metal the cutting it is 2D in nature . i.e. Fc,Ft .
(8)In orthogonal cutting, the depth of cut is half and the feed rate is double,if the chips thickness ratio is unaffected with the changed cutting conditions, the actual thickness will be double.

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